2022: a year of both immense happiness and insane stress. To say this was "my year" would be a lie. Clearly from the state of abandonment of this blog I wasn't really on top of my shit. But I am ready to dust off the cobwebs and focus on things that spark joy within me. Things that stimulate my creative side, like this blog.
The good surely outweighed the bad in 2022. Some highlights include:
I got to marry the love of my life which is a happiness I can't begin to put into words. However we got COVID on our honeymoon, so there's that.
I left a toxic job, something that I am very proud of myself for doing. Discovering my worth really is something I can't state the true importance of.
I graduated college (Finally!) Earning my degree was something I have worked on for much longer than I'd like to admit but it's done with now and I have the paper saying I am kinda smart!
Luke and I have started planning for our future which has me excited to see where things will take us in the oncoming years
I am not going to write the bads down, there is no sense in dwelling on the negatives. Things are what they are and I am moving forward.
2023 isn't going to be a "new year, new me" but truly its going to be a year where I focus on taking care of myself. I feel like making grand resolutions only ends in them being abandoned within a few weeks and therefore feeling like a failure for not completing the task at hand. I refuse to feel that way over something moving into 2023 unless I truly deserve it. And for something as silly as a New Year's resolution, I refuse to feel it.
SO dont prepare for a set day of posting or any specific type of content, I will be posting what I want, when I want. Doing what makes me happy is what 2023 is about.